About Me

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Hasan Malik is a master of awkward moments and creating unnecessary pauses... being normal is so boring. Trust me I've tried being average it's just not for me. So please join in moments of awkward platypusness and itchy souls because it's good for your health. Random is the name of the game. Internet, Check ✓

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Why Not Take the Common Sense Out of Life While Your At It...

Hello itchy souls its me again. I'm actually working on a rather controversial post at the moment and I'm hoping to have it done posted by tonight, but in case I don't manage that, I went fishing around youtube and found the dumbest damn chair that I've ever seen. And I really felt the need to share with you the nonsense that I've discovered.
So idk how many of you have actually seen this infomercial but I've just discovered the Hawaii Chair which apparently "takes the work out of your workout".

So if that wasn't bad enough. One of my favorite Regal Blue Tang fish in the sea Ellen Degeneres better known in my book as Dory brought the chair onto her show to try it out. Please I beg you souls do not try this at home.

Thank you for that demonstration Dory...

Please enjoy the antics of this chair and the rest of your day, hopefully I'll be back later with more important issues to talk about.

when fortune calls, offer her a chair (please not the Hawaii Chair), signing off
till next time
stay random

Internet, check ✓


  1. nice blog, i always did enjoy your randomness. i hope your soul one day finds the necessary itch relief it needs..hmm maybe under a stoplight on george street

  2. or possibly in a bottle of crown royal...but who knows i guess ill keep lookin...
